Buckwheat’s return to popularity is due mostly to its nutritional punch. Sometimes old school is best. It’s certainly the case with this pseudo cereal. Buckwheat has the power to do great things for the human body. The following are some of the most important.
- Important minerals Compared to other grains, buckwheat contains high levels of copper, zinc, and manganese. As we know, minerals are absolutely vital to maintenance of health and the function of bodily processes, and they can help us avoid some pretty nasty diseases and disorders.
- Protein Second only to oats, buckwheat contains very high protein levels. Although some of that may be hard to digest for children or people with digestive problems, for healthy adults it’s a great source of protein.
- Soluble fiber This helps slow down the glucose absorption and contributes to digestive health.
- Heart problems Besides being a good source of magnesium which is a heart-healthy mineral, buckwheat generally lowers the risk of high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It also has a rich supply of flavanoids which help blood flow and keep platelets from clotting.
- Diabetes There has been a fair amount of research done in this area, and the findings have shown that nutrients in buckwheat can do a lot to regulate glucose levels and reduce the risk of diabetes. A study done in Iowa involving 36,000 women over a 6-year period showed that women who ate the most foods high in magnesium had a 24 percent lower risk of diabetes. Additional research done in Canada and published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that at 90 and 120 minutes after consumption, one dose of buckwheat seed extract lowered blood glucose levels by 12-19%. (To see the study go here)
- Gallstones Research has shown that foods high in insoluble fiber can lower the risk of gallstones. This is because it speeds up digestion and reduces the emission of bile which has been linked to gallstones. The Nurses Health Study showed that a diet rich in insoluble fiber led to a 17% lower risk.
- Gluten troubles As a pseudo cereal, buckwheat naturally does not contain gluten. It can make a tasty addition to a gluten-free diet.
“Buckwheat – December Grain of the Month.” Whole Grains Council. Oldways Preservation Trust, n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.
“Buckwheat.” whfoods.org. George Mateljan Foundation. Web. 21 Jan. 2015.