Learn about our ancient grains

You’ve heard it said that “You are what you eat”, a truth that explains some of the physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual challenges of our day. Eating healthy is about much more than counting calories and carbs. We must also look at how our food is grown, prepared, served, and even the historical origins of the plant seeds.

We’re all about supporting those who are on their personal journey to health. That’s why you’re so important to this movement. Your story of wellness may become the inspiration for others who will come to you in the future to find their own answers.

Our mission here at Ancient Grains is to restore the finest organically grown ancient foods from around the world into our modern lifestyles. We’re glad you’re joining us!

Einkorn and Green Bean Salad

Ancient Grain Recipes

Great bakers need amazing ways to use our grains.

Take a look at our growing list of recipes to find awesome ways to share great tasting food with your family!

Read Our Ancient Grains Blog

Ancient Grains Blog

Should I Measure Flour in Cups or Grams?

  For many inexperienced bakers, measuring flour in cups seems like the only way to do it. Measuring cups are widely available and they are used in most recipes. The truth is that measuring flour in grams is a more…

Ancient Grains Blog

What is Farro?

  Farro is a term that refers to three types of ancient wheat: Einkorn, Emmer, and Spelt. These grains have been cultivated for thousands of years and have a rich history and nutritional profile. Let’s explore what makes these grains…

Ancient Grains Blog

6 Reasons Why Rye Is Popular In Sourdough Breads

  If you’re a fan of sourdough bread, you might have noticed that many artisan bakeries use Rye flour in their sourdough bread. But why is Rye flour so popular in sourdough? Here at Grand Teton Ancient Grains we love…

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