Einkorn Nutritional Benefits

Here, we’re going to explore deep down into the einkorn berry and, more importantly, what it’s doing after it passes the taste buds. Einkorn really packs a wallop for its small size. It’s very nutrient rich. But why is it considered to be better for our bodies than the genetically altered wheat we’re used to eating? Here are a few reasons einkorn really stands out.

Einkorn’s unique characteristics:

  • Contains An Entirely Different Type Of Gluten, Compared With Modern Wheat
  • Most Genetically Primitive Form of Wheat Available On Earth
  • Very nutrient dense


Let’s start with the hot topic of today – gluten. Einkorn is the most primitive form of wheat and does contain gluten. But there is research and many personal experiences to suggest that it may not be toxic to those with a gluten-intolerance. That’s because the gluten is different, and our bodies are better-equipped to handle it. It only contains the A Genome and not the D Genome (Genome: a full set of Chromosomes; all the inheritable traits of an organism).  We care about that because when testing for gluten, the presence of the D Genome is the thing looked for. So, Einkorn passes the test!

The science has still not fully caught up on why so many people can handle einkorn that can’t eat wheat, but the anecdotal evidence is staggering and unmistakable (If you have celiac disease, consult a doctor before trying einkorn).

Also, because of the chromosomal purity of Einkorn (It’s never been hybridized and has only two sets of chromosomes), it’s all-around easier on the digestive system.


Second only to hemp hearts, einkorn has the highest protein content of any of the grains on this website. It is an excellent source of protein which is amazing, especially if you try to eat more of a plant based diet.


Einkorn, along with its other virtues, contains 3 to 4 times more Beta-Carotene than our wheat today. We like that because beta-carotene is an antioxidant. It protects the body from free radicals that damage our cells and cause some severe illnesses like cancer and heart disease. So making carotenoids like beta-carotene a present part of our diet is a good cancer-prevention tool.

Vitamin A

Healthy skin and mucus membranes, strong immunity, good vision and eye health. These are the reasons we need Vitamin A. It’s essential to our overall health. And Einkorn contains twice the amount of vitamin A than present-day wheats. As a sidenote, it’s preferable to get vitamin A from our food because our body knows what to do with it in that form. Consuming too many Vitamin A supplements can be toxic.


Like beta-carotene, lutein is a carotenoid which gives it some of the same perks. It is especially beneficial for our eyes. It helps our retinas to absorb blue light and protects it from those nasty cancer-causing free radicals. And einkorn contains 3 to 4 times more lutein than modern wheats.


Riboflavin is the big kid word for Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is essential for a lot of the processes of our cells. It also has cancer-preventative properties, helps with migraines, treats anemia, and helps produce energy. It’s a key vitamin and is much more present in einkorn than in the grains we’re used to – 4 to 5 times more present.


Einkorn is one of a few wheats that are “hulled.”  In hulled wheats, the grain is tightly enclosed by a kind of husk as it grows. This hull has to be removed before the grains can be eaten. This is no small feat and is part of the reason einkorn is more expensive. But there are some virtues to this hull! It can protect the grain from chemical contamination and insects. This means that einkorn can stand on its own two feet or…roots. In other words, it’s much easier to grow organically.

Trace Minerals

Einkorn is considered an excellent source of iron and manganese. Iron is so important in order for oxygen to get to our blood and, through it, to the rest of our bodies. The symptoms of iron deficiency are very unpleasant – extreme fatigue, chest pain or shortness of breath, headaches and dizziness, weakness, etc. Because of menstruation, women are more likely to have an iron deficiency. We definitely want iron rich foods in our diets, and just a half a cup of uncooked einkorn provides 25% of our daily iron need. Manganese is sort of a jack of all trades and is a component for many enzymes, definitely not something we want to be without.

In addition to those, einkorn is an good source of selenium, which is an antioxidant, and zinc. Zinc has a hand in many body process. It’s important for the creation of protein, genetic material, and sperm. It also contributes to taste, healing, sexual maturation, fetal development, and a healthy immune system!

Weight Loss

Einkorn is extremely filling. Because it’s so nutrient dense, it sends messages to your brain that you are full before its modern couterparts. Trust us, you simply can’t eat as much einkorn bread as modern wheat bread. Basically, einkorn is a good grain for weight loss because you get the nutrients you need in fewer calories and feel full faster.

I could go on, but that should give you an idea why we’re over the moon about einkorn. Most people seek out einkorn because they are having issues with the gluten in modern wheat or are trying to prevent that eventuality. Everything else is just a bonus, but what a bonus!

19 thoughts on “Einkorn Nutritional Benefits”

  1. Can you share the carbs and fiber breakdown?
    I have gestational diabetes and I have to track the amount of carbs ingest. I purchased a bag and plan on milling it and making bread soon but i didn’t see any nutritional information listed so I’m afraid to eat.

    1. Hi Helen!

      Thank you for your que3stion! We are currently working on getting the testing done that will allow us to publish nutritional information for all of our products, but we don’t have it yet. We hope to change that very soon!

    2. Hi Helen, random internet person here! I know this is an older comment so probably no longer relevant, but the USDA Dept of Ag website has the breakdown for Einkorn from another brand. Assuming that they’re all pretty similar, you can use that as a reference 🙂

  2. Melissa,
    Yes you can use it to make sourdough.
    I’ve grown a starter for sourdough by using buttermilk and einkorn flour.
    [unmeasured, roughly 1/2-3/4 c spring water and enough einkorn flour to make a consistency of batter]
    I expected it to take five days, but on day three the hooch/water was thick, and bubbles were in the top third of the starter.

    Late on day three, I made a test.
    Using about a 1 to 4 ratio I mixed up starter and Einkorn flour.
    It was soft, I let it rise. it took a while.
    I baked it about four hours after mixing.
    Made a small dough round, put it in a preheated 400° f oven, on an iron skillet.
    I had boiling water in the kettle, so I put some in the oven for the crust.
    Sounded hallow after 18 minutes of baking.
    I barely let it cool, burning myself a little, but hey! fresh bread.

    I had also made cream cheese from homemade yogurt that day. That cream cheese was spiced with Cajun seasoning, and I sliced my round bun horizontally. It was delicious. I had to brag about it to my friend and my daughter and sent them pictures.

    The bread had a nice consistency, small crumb, nice crust.
    An hour later I patted out another.
    This time I added a teaspoon of dry active yeast and sugar into the water.
    Mixed up the starter and Einkorn flour.
    It rose faster, but didn’t cook faster.

    I rolled second dough out… could have made a flat bread easily. The dough was nice to work with. it feels velvety and soft.
    The second one was rolled out, so I sprinkled shredded cheese on top, rolled it up, then coiled it up. Cheese fell through little holes. The oven was hot, so I. it went, no second rise.
    15 Minutes later I had a cheese roll. The tiny bite I tried made me excited for lunch the next day.

    There weren’t many differences between the two.
    I used 100% einkorn flour for the whole process.

    ~ kimberly ann

    1. Hi Patti!

      Thanks for your question. We are currently working through the priocess of getting all of the nutritional information for our grains and flours. RIght now we don’t have that information. We hope to very soon!

    1. Hi Vickie,
      It is a small enough amount that it shouldn’t cause any problems, as long as you don’t have any food sensitivities that would predispose you to a problem like that.

    1. Grand Teton Ancient Grains

      Yes Shonna, all of our Einkorn flour is non-GMO. Our other ancient grains that we grow and sell here on our website are also non-GMO.

  3. Danny Galactic

    What is the % of gluten in the flour ?
    And does the gluten develop the same way in the mixing process ?

    1. Hi Danny, we have never tested the percentage of gluten in the flour so I don’t know. It develops in the mixing process like wheat but it can’t be substituted directly for modern wheat. It behaves differently in recipes. It’s best to start our with recipes intended for einkorn. If you want to adapt a recipe you are familiar with, I suggest starting out with half the liquid it calls for and watching the consistency from there.

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