So, why is everyone raving about “King Tut’s Wheat?” Khorasan boasts some pretty cool nutrition facts.
One study ( found an amazing link between khorasan and heart health. The participants consumed products with khorasan instead of wheat for eight weeks and were analyzed before and after. The findings were a significant decrease in several metabolic risk factors. Among these were lower cholesterol and blood glucose.
Another exciting finding has to do with oxidative stress and inflammation. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals. Unchecked, this imbalance can lead to chronic inflammation and eventually cancer and other diseases. A couple of studies on rates compared regular wheat with khorasan in its effect on the body. It was discovered that khorasan protected against oxidative stress much better than modern wheat. (
How cool, right? There’s more.
Like all the ancient grains, khorasan has a great nutrient profile. It is a good source of protein. In fact, it has the third highest amount of protein of all the ancient grains featured on this website (13.7g/half cup). That means just a half cup of uncooked khorasan provides about 24-30% of our daily protein need.
Khorasan is also a great source of many vitamins and minerals, but especially thiamin and pantothenic acid. Thiamin helps our muscles and nerves but is especially important cells to turn carbs into energy! We all could use more energy. A half a cup of khorasan provides half of our needed thiamin for the day! Pantothenic acid is another B vitamin that also plays a role in the conversion of food into energy, and khorasan has 3.4mg/half cup which is about 31% of the daily value of pantothenic acid.
When will you have khorasan grain in stock?